Ort Gallery Members Show
Stryx JQ, 90 Vyse Street, Birmingham B18 6JZ
Thank you to everyone who visited the exhibition in January. The new OestroDolls that I showed (the Stryx, Mrs BeDoneByAsYouDid and Jenny Greenteeth) are now on display in my studio with the earlier dolls in the series. If I'm not around you can peep at them through the window.
I have added an online shopping option for my small editioned works so you can buy 'Stop Doing Stupid Things' and 'Women Artists Are The Best Artists' from the For Sale page.
To buy any other works, please use the enquiries form at the foot of the About page. Thank you!
Ort Gallery Members Show
Stryx JQ, 90 Vyse Street, Birmingham B18 6JZ
Thank you to everyone who visited the exhibition in January. The new OestroDolls that I showed (the Stryx, Mrs BeDoneByAsYouDid and Jenny Greenteeth) are now on display in my studio with the earlier dolls in the series. If I'm not around you can peep at them through the window.
I have added an online shopping option for my small editioned works so you can buy 'Stop Doing Stupid Things' and 'Women Artists Are The Best Artists' from the For Sale page.
To buy any other works, please use the enquiries form at the foot of the About page. Thank you!